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Edited by Wolfman74, Nuclear Hawk, VermontGal, Peter and 3 others

Your best friend may be doing their best to hide the more obvious signs of pain as is natural in all animals to enhance survival.  That being said, these subtle signs,  with a bit of direction can be picked up on easily by any loving owner that spends time with the dog.

Edit Steps

  1. 1
    Watch for subtle signs of discomfort in dogs that begin in its waking hour.  You know those sounds that we make the morning after a hard days work?  If you find that the dog is grumpy upon waking, that may indicate pain. 
  2. 2
    See if you dog acts overly concerned with being approached?  That translates toward the aspect of vigilantly hiding injury and not just a sour dog!
  3. 3
    Watch the position and the care the dog takes to lay down.  Injured, older and arthritic dogs commonly prefer to slide down scooting their front paws forward.  Young healthy dogs tend to not be concerned with any certain way of laying down such as mentioned.
  4. 4
    Pay attention to the way your dog lies down. Hiding a certain paw can indicate even mild pain.  Although you've seen them in these positions many times, now you know what to look for and vigilance is any loving owners best friends.
  5. 5
    Watch how your dog responds to being touched. Dogs who lessen in enjoyment of being touched and handled fall in line with dogs who are overly concerned with being handled and approached.
  6. 6
    Inspect your dog weekly to prevent a condition from "going too far". A vigilant owner has the time to give their companion a brushing, learn simple full body canine massage exercises and learn to feel your dogs subtle reaction to your touch. 
  7. 7
    Watch for blinking. Dogs blink at the second they feel the pain.  If you see it, move to another spot for a minute and try the are again watching for that blink or the more obvious flinch.
  8. 8
    Follow your dog's eyes. Frequently looking away, otherwise known as avoidance, can indicate pain.  Dogs look away when area is touched, possibly with a distant look as if mentally leaving the situations anxiety. 

Article Info

Categories: Canine Health

Recent edits by: Adityark, Teresa, Peter

In other languages:

Español: Cómo como notar si un perro tiene dolor

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